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How To Strategize for Social Media Blackouts

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As we all know social media platforms have revolutionized the way businesses engage with their audience and promote products or services. From Facebook to Instagram to Twitter, these platforms offer unparalleled reach and targeting capabilities, making them indispensable tools for affiliate marketers. 

This phenomenon is still not completely understood by most affiliates, and the ones that don't pay enough attention to it are in danger of losing a lot of revenue and money if they don’t adjust accordingly!

Luckily, affiliates can prepare for this and minimize its impact once it happens! So, let's not waste any more time, and let's get to explaining what it is, and how you can prepare!

What Are Social Media Blackouts?

Well, there are a couple of possible things that we can refer to as social media blackouts. Mostly, it refers to one of these two things, crashes and outages of social media due to technical issues, or voluntary protests where users stop engaging with the platform. 

  • Technical Blackouts

These blackouts are a lot more common and they can happen at any time due to a whole plethora of issues. The most common one is when big data centers lose power, crash, or a massive cyber-attack happens. 

This happens now and then, and while it is happening, most platforms see massive issues with one or more parts of their functioning.

Meta seems to have the most issues, with their services being unavailable for a few hours every few months. The bad thing about it is that in most cases you can't even stop the campaigns from running since the outages also influence the ad manager. On a positive note, there are some fail safes in place, and in most cases, you won’t get charged for that period of advertising as the users you are trying to deliver to are unavailable.

  • User-caused Blackouts

This is very rare, though it has risen in popularity in recent years. It usually happens when governments or platforms decide on some unpopular options, and then the users show their feelings towards those decisions by not interacting with the platform at all for a certain period of time. 

This is much harder to stop and avoid as there is not much you can do to get someone back to the platform once they start boycotting it, though a lot of users do return within a short window of time, which means that on average, the impact you will see from this is minimal at best!

Understanding the Impact of Social Media Blackouts

These outages can occur due to a variety of reasons, ranging from technical glitches to deliberate shutdowns. When these disruptions occur, they can have consequences for affiliate marketers. 

Suddenly, the lifeline to their audience is severed, leaving them scrambling to maintain visibility and engagement. The impact of these events extends beyond immediate revenue loss; it can also damage brand reputation and erode customer trust if not handled effectively.

There are some things that affiliates can do to try and mitigate most of the risks tied to these blackouts, and most of them are straightforward and easy to follow! 

Building a Diversified Marketing Ecosystem

To protect your business against the risks of outages, marketers must adopt a diversified approach to their marketing strategy. Relying on one platform for running ads is like putting all your eggs in one basket – a risky proposition.

It can also cause other issues like your audience moving slowly to another platform, one platform gauging you price-wise, or just you missing out on much better deals in other places.  

Instead, spread your efforts across multiple channels, including email marketing, blogging, search engine optimization (SEO), and influencer partnerships. 

This multi-platform approach not only reduces dependency on any single platform but also maximizes exposure and engagement opportunities. It can even work wonders with lowering costs and improving profitability all around!

Utilize Email Marketing

We often cover email marketing on our blog, and there is a good reason we do! Email marketing remains a cornerstone of any robust affiliate marketing strategy. 

Unlike social media platforms, where algorithms dictate reach and visibility, email offers a direct line of communication to your audience's inbox. To get the most out of it, you need to have a good list to begin with! You should know that a quality email list is made of engaged subscribers who have opted in to receive emails from you. 

During social media blackouts, use your email list to maintain communication, promote offers, and drive traffic to your affiliate links. Personalize your emails to resonate with your audience and incentivize action, whether it's making a purchase or sharing content with their network.

Optimizing SEO for Organic Traffic

While social media platforms are effective for reaching a broad audience, organic search traffic provides a reliable source of visitors to your affiliate content. Invest in optimizing your website and content for search engines to improve your visibility in relevant search results. 

Conduct keyword research to identify high-potential keywords related to your niche and incorporate them strategically into your content. Create informative, value-driven content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience while adhering to SEO best practices. 

By ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), you can attract organic traffic even during social media outages.

Make Relationships with Influencers

Influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for affiliate marketers to expand their reach and credibility. Identify influencers within your niche who resonate with your brand values and have a genuine connection with their audience. Forge authentic partnerships that prioritize mutual benefit and long-term collaboration. 

This is nothing new, and most advertisers already have some established partnerships, but it's important to note that if your Influencer is only popular on the same network that is experiencing a social blackout, then it's not a huge help, so try finding more diversified users. 

Use influencer partnerships to maintain visibility and engagement through alternative channels such as blogs, YouTube, or newsletters. 

Creating Engaging Content on Alternative Platforms

In addition to mainstream social media platforms, explore alternative channels where your target audience congregates. Platforms like TikTok, Pinterest, and LinkedIn offer unique opportunities to showcase your affiliate products or services in creative ways. 

Adapt your content to suit the preferences and style of each platform, whether it's short-form videos, visual inspiration boards, or professional networking posts. By diversifying your presence across different platforms, you expand your reach and mitigate the impact of SM blackouts on your affiliate marketing efforts.

Monitoring and Responding to Trends

Stay on top of industry trends, news events, and social media developments that could impact your affiliate marketing strategy. By staying informed, you can anticipate potential disruptions and adjust your approach accordingly. During social media blackouts, capitalize on emerging trends or conversations happening outside the affected platforms. 

With the right strategy, you can even use these network problems to grow your audience by engaging with all the coverage that this sort of event is bound to cause in media. With a good strategy, a couple of well-placed posts, and some luck, this outage might be a great thing for your business!


Social media blackouts pose a significant challenge for affiliate marketers, but they also present an opportunity for strategic adaptation and resilience. By diversifying your marketing efforts, using things like email marketing, optimizing for organic search traffic, strengthening influencer partnerships, exploring alternative platforms, and staying attuned to trends, you can overcome these issues and even end up in a better position than before!

Remember to prioritize building authentic connections with your audience and delivering value through your content and promotions. With a proactive mindset and strategic planning, you can go through such events with minimal negative impact and sometimes even grow as a result of being prepared!

Have you experienced social media blackouts? What do you to prepare for them? Share your knowledge with us in the comments below!

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